I have a custom post type called 'software', contained within are various custom fields such as subtitle, price, screenshots, download link, etc. I created a function to allow use of the tinyMCE edit window for some of these custom fields. I have been trying to display these fields on the page but with no success.

The method I'm using is this:

<h1><?php the_title();?></h1>
<h3><?php echo get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'subtitle', TRUE); ?></h3>

Here is a link to the page.

Below the <hr/> on the page is a list of all the meta created. The ONLY one of the fields which will display is 'price' for some strange reason.

Anyone have any idea what I'm missing?

  • it is indeed the get_post_meta() function, and if you are calling it inside the loop, it should work... Unless you're not using the right custom field name. They often come with a prefix if they are implemented via a plugin like meta-box. Can you post the code how you declare your custom fields? A solution would be to open the wp_postmeta table in PhpMyAdmin and search the column meta_key for LIKE %...% and specify "subtitle" as meta_key value. You will see exactly under what name Wordpress is storing your custom field.
    – pixeline
    Commented Sep 13, 2013 at 16:37
  • I know this is old, but I use this sql to get a list of all meta fields in phpmyadmin: SELECT m.meta_key FROM wp_postmeta m GROUP BY m.meta_key
    – ssaltman
    Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 15:31

2 Answers 2


Well, you are using:

get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'subtitle', TRUE);

So, you are saying to Wordpress to get the meta value of the 'subtitle' field and that the returned value be in format of string. See get_post_meta() docu.

To get all meta data of a post you should use get_post_custom() function instead. For example, if you are inside the loop:

$custom = get_post_custom();
foreach($custom as $key => $value) {
     echo $key.': '.$value.'<br />';

This will return all meta data of the post. If you want to check, for example, the "price" meta field:

if(isset($custom['price'])) {
    echo 'Price: '.$custom['price'][0];
  • Last code block is missing a ) Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 23:37
  • 1
    it appears that $custom['price'] returns an array so you may need to do $custom['price'][0]
    – wal
    Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 14:41

use this code for solving your problem.

$key_name = get_post_custom_values($key = 'Key Name');
echo $key_name[0];

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