I built a plugin, and I would like to use shortcodes in the integrated wp_editor.

I'm using echo to display the content of the wp_editor, so I think that's the problem why I can't use the shortcode. What's the method to do that?

I'm using the following code for shortcode:

add_shortcode('facebook', 'facebook');

function facebook($atts) {
    $options = get_option( 'social_options' );
    return '<a class="socialmedia socialfacebook" href="'.$options["facebook"].'">Facebook</a>';

..and the following code to get the content of the wp_editor:

    $footer = get_option('footer_options');
    $footer_content = array($footer['footer_content_1'], $footer['footer_content_2']);
    foreach($footer_content as $content) {
        echo'<aside class="tab-content">

1 Answer 1


try doing this

$footer = get_option('footer_options');
$footer_content = array($footer['footer_content_1'], $footer['footer_content_2']);
foreach($footer_content as $content) {
 $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
    echo'<aside class="tab-content">

I once had the same issue and applying the content filter solved it


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