I was just looking at wp_update_term and haven't found any possibility to update the "name" of the term. My scenario is pretty simple: I got some predefined taxonomy terms in a config file like this (just an example):

$taxonomy_terms = array(
  'taxonomy_a' => array( 'term_a', 'term_b', 'term_c' )
 ,'taxonomy_b' => array( 'term_d', 'term_e', 'term_f' )

Now i'm trying to update these terms based on their id. So if the id exists, i change just the name.

But here does my problem start: wp_update_term doesn't offer any possibility to update the name of term... Does anybody know of some work around, or do i just oversee something?


1 Answer 1


According to wp_update_term() in Codex you pass fields you want to override in $args argument, try passing name in there?

  • I remember using name in args to change the name
    – Bainternet
    Commented Jan 31, 2011 at 19:10
  • 2
    Works. In the meanwhile i checked the core code and found the description in codex beeing wrong. The decribed allowed values for $args is originally just the list of default values from core. It's allowed to pass any term argument, that may exist in a term object there. Thanks!
    – kaiser
    Commented Jan 31, 2011 at 21:33

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