I have built a wordpress plugin (wp-content/plugins/MyPlugin) and I would to check some folders permission inside the MyPlugin directory.

My problem is that I don't what Wordpress constant or what PHP function I should use to target on of these directories.

if( !is_writable(WP_PLUGIN_URL.'MyFolder') )
    echo 'NOK'.'<hr>';  

This piece of code always returns 'NOK' whereas I am 100% sure 'MyFolder' is actually writable .

Can you give me some piece of advice here to get the right file in order to target any folder that would be in my plugin directory?


1 Answer 1


Perhaps WP_PLUGIN_DIR? WP_PLUGIN_URL is responsible for URLs.

  • 1
    Thanks, I was able to make it work with: plugin_dir_path(FILE).'MyFolder';
    – Vincent
    Commented Nov 13, 2012 at 22:16

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