By default, wordpress remove accents and weird characters to generate post_name
in wp_posts table. This post_name is used when we change the permalink structure to /%postname%/
or some similar structures. In my language, i don't want to remove and replace many characters as it distorts the meaning.
I have change the sanitize_title_with_dashes
function in wp-includes/formatting to:
function sanitize_title_with_dashes($title) {
$title = strip_tags($title);`
// Preserve escaped octets.
$title = preg_replace('|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|', '---$1---', $title);
// Remove percent signs that are not part of an octet.
$title = str_replace('%', '', $title);
// Restore octets.
$title = preg_replace('|---([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])---|', '%$1', $title);
/* comment out this code block
if (seems_utf8($title)) {
if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) {
$title = mb_strtolower($title, 'UTF-8');
$title = utf8_uri_encode($title, 200);
$title = strtolower($title);
$title = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $title); // kill entities
$title = str_replace('.', '-', $title);
// comment out $title = preg_replace('/[^%a-z0-9 _-]/', '', $title);
$title = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $title);
$title = preg_replace('|-+|', '-', $title);
$title = trim($title, '-');
return $title;
The post_name is correctly generated for all characters in my language, for example
in the latest post, the url is very good, but wordpress simply does not find the post (it says not found
). I guess i need to change something in permalink structure so that WP query to the correct post.
Anyone know how to resolve this problem?
Thanks for any help!