I have cleared up the first step on moving to Self-hosted wordpress. Now I have a confusion if someone can answer:
1: My hosting provider's tutorial shows installing WP from cPanel using tool called Softaculous. Is it a good way to use that utility or do by grabbing the wp package from wordpress.org and do everything manually? I tried and it was easy but want to know pros/cons.
Using Softaculos I am confused with the two things:
a: Choose protocol: It has options: http://, http://www, https:// and https://www
I know my site isn't using ssl so now what should I choose http:// or http://www
And why should I chose one over other?
b: In Directory: Asking me where should I install it? in the root or sub-directory e.g. http://mydomain/wp
What should I choose there? And why?
Primary purpose of my site is I will be blogging. In future I don't know what it could turn out? If I install it in say a sub-directory say root/wp, I found that I can set the Site Address(Url) from WP Admin panel.
I want to do it right in terms of SEO rankings, maintenance and future changes.
Any explanation / suggestions appreciated. Thanks.