Ok, the quick explanation:
I'm using a custom post type, 'lakes'. And, using custom taxonomies to organize them. They are: state, watertype and county.
I've created a 'page' for each state that displays all the listings using that state's name in the tags. This part works fine. What we want to do is also have some of the lakes set with a tag of 'featured' and display those in a div in the top portion of the page just above the regular results. There would only be perhaps 5 set as featured but the query could also set a limit as well.
Where i'm stuck is in how to create the query and results based upon the state page they are currently on. In other words, if they were on Alabama then i'd want the 5 featured listings in Alabama to display. If on Alaska, then the 5 featured from Alaska.
These would just display in a typical unordered list that I would format with CSS in the stylesheet. I just haven't gotten any query and loop code to work as it just wants to show the same 5 results no matter what state page they are on.
Ideas? Thoughts? Help? Thanks in advance to anyone and everyone. I AM researching the other similar posts as well but could not find the specifics about page-to-page issue.