I'm using two plugins that seem to clash:



When both activated only the poll plugin shows in the admin menu but when it's deactivated the calendar plugin shows in it's place.

Is there a way to get both plugins working together as they're exactly what I need. I'm running the latest version of WP.

p.s It's more than likely that the problem lies with the poll plugin!

  • Time to give out the bounty. You won´t get it back anyway :)
    – kaiser
    Commented Apr 26, 2012 at 14:00

1 Answer 1


It might be due to the position on the admin sidebar in Simply Poll. Go to simply-poll/lib/admin.php and on line 40 remove the , 6 from the end of the add_menu_page() function and see what happens. I'll have a look at the other plugin as well to check what they are doing.

Simply Poll developer

  • Just to note, The Events Calendar has the same value for their menu position so it's an argument between the plugins... mine just wins for some reason!
    – WolfieZero
    Commented Apr 25, 2012 at 13:46

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