I have a page, with a shortcode that get all the post from a categorie and put after the content of the page. For no apparent reason, the result of a WP_Query() in the shortcode APPEAR ALWAYS at the top of the page. If i put the shortcode a the top OR at the bottom, the post (3 of them) appear before the content of the page...
on that one, i have NO IDEA why... shortcode is at the en of the page
after the comment i post the code the ECHO... this is the problem ?.. i to solve it ?
//Add a ShorCode to get a page/post content
add_shortcode ('post_cat2','get_post_cat2');
function get_post_cat2 ($att) {
$mypost = array();
$args = array( 'category' => 36 );
$myposts = get_posts( $args );
foreach( $myposts as $post ) : setup_postdata($post);
$mypost .= the_title();
return $mypost;
ing the content. Tryreturn
ing it.