I'm not sure if it's a wordpress or nginx problem

I'm making a plugin, but the plugin directory is a symlink. I think it's ok since the plugin is detected, can be activated, and even some parts are working (like a menu), but on a page where it launches a script at a chortcode, it must get a style.css file and it cannot with an error 404 not found in the console :

so my symlink is here :

  • /path/to/wp-content/plugins/symlink_plugin_directory/

and my directory is elsewhere, with its files :

  • /another/path/to/plugin_directory/
    • index.php
    • style.css

the probleme has something to do with the symlink, because if I create a real directory in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/real_directory/style.css with a copy of the style.css, it works

I call the style.css file with : wp_enqueue_style('my_style', plugins_url('style.css', __FILE__));

so if instead I use : wp_enqueue_style('my_style', plugins_url('real_directory/style.css', dirname(__FILE__))), it works

And the path that is not working and should works (in my understanding), is :

  • https://my_site/wp-content/plugins/symlink_directory/style.css

compared to the one that works :

  • https://my_site/wp-content/plugins/real_directory/style.css

then what is wrong ?

what i tried ?

I was thinking maybe a GET method doesn't works with symlink in nginx, but I enabled it with disable_symlinks off; like it says here : https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/157022/make-nginx-follow-symlinks, but it doesn't resolve the problem (I tried to add it in both http{} context and location ~ \.php${} context)

also I checked that symlink files and directory had the read and execution permissions, according to this SO conversation : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12624358/nginx-not-following-symlinks, and I hope I gave them the good user ownership (my nginx and wordpress programs runs in separate docker, I think a get it right because symlink and reallink have the same permissions and users)

and on the same conversation, there was the idea to add autoindex on;, which I did, without luck

finally, I also tried to change the variable $document_root to $realpath_root in nginx php-fpm configuration, as explained here : https://joshtronic.com/2019/07/29/symlinks-with-nginx-and-php-fpm/, but no much success

1 Answer 1


I found the solution, it was a really dumb error of mine :

I forgot to gives to Nginx-Container the volume which contains the hardlink ! so, in Nginx container, the hardlink pointed to by the symlink didn't existed indeed

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