I'm trying to use functions.php to hide the by-line on posts after a certain date. I'm using the following code but it isn't working. I think it's due to not properly grabbing the post date. How do I get the post date in functions.php?

// Hide By-Line

function my_head_css(){

$excludeDate = date("2021-06-02");
$postDate = get_the_date('Y-m-d');

if($postDate > $excludeDate){

    echo "<style> .entry-author {display:none !important;} </style>";
  • What does var_dump( $postDate ); tell you? That will let you know if, at least, you've got a valid date string.
    – Pat J
    Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 19:19

1 Answer 1


It's probably getting the date as you expect, but the > is essentially a mathematical operator and you're trying to use it to compare two strings.

You can use strtotime() to convert the dates to integers (# of seconds elapsed since 1970-01-01), and compare those.

// Hide By-Line

function my_head_css(){

$excludeDate = date("2021-06-02");
$postDate = get_the_date('Y-m-d');

if( strtotime( $postDate ) > strtotime( $excludeDate ) ){

    echo "<style> .entry-author {display:none !important;} </style>";
  • Hmm, having quickly read up on PHP operators, the > operator should be able to compare two date strings.
    – Pat J
    Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 19:19

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