What I mean is...
I'm trying to Import an Excel file with 1000s of data into Wordpress. That's the easy part, there are plugins that import excel data.
I also want for each "data" to create a post with certain fields already at default, automatically some way, cause we're talking about 1000s of entries not mere 100s...
For example... One entry would look like this:
Title Author Editor ISBN
(Book title) (Book Author) (Book Editor) (16 digit ISBN)
And so far I've found a simple way to add something automatically every time I create a new post using the functions.php file
add_filter( 'default_content', 'my_editor_content' );
function my_editor_content( $content ) {
$content = " (my-content-here) ";
return $content;
which adds (my-content-here) into every post I make.
What i want to do though, if it's possible, cause again there are many entries, is if for each post I create I can get the title/author/editor/isbn automatically, the same way like above, from data I've imported from the excel file... and make them look like this:
(Title in bold)
Back cover presentation:
And the thing that I'll have to do is correct any mistakes each post may have and/or add more things that need to be added like an image on top of the title...
Right now I'm using the Custom Post Type UI for the custom post types like Fantasy books, or Science books, etc. So that each Category of books is it's own post type.
Edit: Also do I need Custom Fields to achieve what I'm suggesting? like the Advanced Custom Fields plugin?