I applied a filter to remove theme styles and javascript in function.php, but I want this to happen only if the url not ends with /amp/
1 Answer
What is amp
? Is it tag or category or page? You should use standard wordpress functions like is_page()
You can also use $wp->request
. It will return the request URI. If the address is "http://example.com/slug1/slug2"
it will return slug1/slug2
then use explode()
function to split it.
<?php $uri = $wp->request;
$slugs = explode("/",$uri);//variable $slugs will have array of slugs
//$slugs[count($slugs)-1] will return last slug
if($slugs[count($slugs)-1] != "amp") {
//Apply your filter filter here
Remember $wp is a global variable so if you want to use it inside a function the must use the keyword global
before it.
Thanks for helping, i will use this code inside function.php, my code in function.php
function disable_scripts_styles() { wp_dequeue_style('publisher'); wp_dequeue_style('better-framework-main-fonts'); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'disable_scripts_styles', 100);
and the url is sitename.com/article/amp so i dont apply this function if the url has amp Commented Feb 8, 2021 at 9:57