I have a quick question, I'm developing a wordpress plugin and need some help
I have the following array which I got in php from ajax:
$array = [
"car_model_1=modelo 1",
I need to separate that in as many arrays as the "_x" says, example in this case there are "_1", "_2" and "_3" at the end of each position of the arrays, which means that all the "_1" correspond to 1 record that will be inserted in the database, all those that end in "_2" are another record, etc... (notice that $model2, doesn't have "car_bono2" because I use a "checkbox" for that so if is checked, it will be true, if not, just don't appear)
$model1 = [
"car_model_1=modelo 1",
$model2 = [
$model3 = [
This is the function I have to save data in php:
/* sending data to custom table */
if (cotizador_query_select($post_id) == null) {
$wpdb->insert($table_name, array(
'post_id' => $post_id,
'car_model' => $car_model,
'car_price' => $car_price,
'car_brand' => $car_brand,
'car_year' => $car_year,
'car_type' => $car_type,
'car_basefee' => $car_basefee,
'car_basemodel' => $car_basemodel,
'car_rcusa' => $car_rcusa,
'car_bono' => $car_bono,
} else {
$wpdb->update($table_name, array(
'car_model' => $car_model,
'car_price' => $car_price,
'car_brand' => $car_brand,
'car_year' => $car_year,
'car_type' => $car_type,
'car_basefee' => $car_basefee,
'car_basemodel' => $car_basemodel,
'car_rcusa' => $car_rcusa,
'car_bono' => $car_bono,
), array('post_id' => $post_id));