I have a function that is designed to do two things: 1) create color picker controls/ settings in the customizer and 2) create a multi-dimensional array $customizeData
to be outputted in header styles and used to localize variables for customizer.js.
The first objective is successful. The second one has driven me here. I added a var_dump for $customizerData
to index.php the array is null on the front end, but is populated as expected when I load it inside the customizer.
Here is the function in question:
if (! function_exists('_sf_customzier_color_loop') ) :
function _sf_customzier_color_loop($colors, $countStart = 10, $section) {
//Not sure why I have to do this first thing
global $wp_customize;
//declare $customizerData as a global variable
global $customizerData;
//start the counter at 10 or whatever was set.
$count = $countStart;
foreach ($colors as $things) {
$slug = $things['slug'];
$id = "_sf[{$slug}]";
//If current array has a priority set, use it, if not use the counter.
if (! isset($things['priority']) ) {
$priority = $count;
else {
$priority = $things['priority'];
$wp_customize->add_setting( $id, array(
'type' => 'option',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
'default' => $things['default'],
) );
$control =
new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
$wp_customize, $slug,
'label' => __( $things['label'], '_sf' ),
'section' => $section,
'priority' => $priority,
'settings' => $id
//create array to be used for the outputting styles to wp_head and customizer.js
$customizerData [] = array(
'id' => $id,
'slug' => $slug,
'selector' => $things['selector'],
'property' => $things['property'],
//advance priority counter
// ! _sf_customzier_color_loop exists
You can see an example of what I am feeding to this at: https://github.com/Shelob9/_sf_lib/blob/1.1-fancy-data/customizer/customizer-sidebar.php
What do I need to do so that that the array is populated on the front end?