Consider a complex system made in WordPress with multiple roles and capabilities. Let's take a University website, for instance.

A University website could have a capability to post news to the home, another capability to manage content from a specific course, etc.

What is the best practice to keep roles and capabilities organized in a complex scenario?

1 Answer 1


Answering my own question, if your system is not performance-critical, you can use a plugin for it, such as User Role Editor:

roles and capabilities best practices wordpress

It supports multi-site, multiple roles per user and a lot more.

Optionally, If I were to write it:

If I would like to have total control over it and write my custom code, I would handle roles management in a plugin, to keep it organized and logically separated from the rest of the code.

The main advantage of this structure right now is to give a dedicated folder to Roles, keeping it organized, and providing a basic OOP structure to work with. This could be extended with methods to help assigning custom post types capabilities for instance, etc.


 * Plugin Name:  Custom Roles Manager
 * Description:  This plugin handles roles capabilities.
 * Requires PHP: 5.3
defined('ABSPATH') OR exit;

/** Runs only when the plugin is activated */
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'custom_roles_manager_activate');
function custom_roles_manager_activate()
    require_once(__DIR__ . '/RoleInterface.php');

    // This is the folder we add roles on
    $roles_folder = __DIR__ . '/roles';

    // If it throws anything, WordPress will automatically disable the plugin and show the notice
    $roles = crm_get_roles_in_folder($roles_folder);

    // Give developer a chance to filter the roles for any reason
    $roles = apply_filters('crm_get_roles', $roles);

    foreach ($roles as $role) {
        // Filter might add $role that does not implement RoleInterface
        if ($role instanceof RoleInterface) {
        } else {
            throw new Exception('All roles handled by Custom Roles Manager must implement RoleInterface interface.');

 * Returns an array of concrete classes that implements RoleInterface
 * in a given directory
 * @param $dir
 * @return array
 * @throws ReflectionException
function crm_get_roles_in_folder($dir)
    $roles = array();

    $roles_files = new RegexIterator(
        new DirectoryIterator($dir),

    foreach ($roles_files as $role_file) {
        $r = new ReflectionClass($role_file->getBasename('.php'));
        if ($r->implementsInterface(RoleInterface::class)) {
            $roles[] = $r->newInstance();

    return $roles;



interface RoleInterface
     * Function that has to be implemented for
     * each concrete class to actually add the role.
    public function add();



class PublicRelationsRole implements RoleInterface
    public function add()
            __('Public Relations'),

Example scenario: Creating "Some Other Role"

  1. Create file wp-content/plugins/custom-roles-manager/Roles/SomeOtherRole.php
  2. Make it implement RoleInterface and create add method in it, which calls add_role function from WordPress.
  3. Deactivate and activate plugin.

With time, your complex role system will have a dedicated folder for them, helping keep it organized, using OOP, which gives a few options on code re-use over time.

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