I've been playing with the custom post types capabilities and some behaviors remains really mysticals for me.

The Setup

Say you have a Custom Post Type (CPT) called show for defining a radio broadcast with this capabilities :

'capabilities' => array(

    // meta caps
    'read_post'                 => 'read_show',
    'edit_post'                 => 'edit_show',
    'delete_post'               => 'delete_show',

    // primitive/meta caps
    'create_posts'              => 'create_shows',

    // primitive caps used outside of map_meta_cap()
    'publish_posts'             => 'publish_shows',
    'read_private_posts'        => 'read_private_shows',
    'edit_posts'                => 'edit_shows',
    'edit_others_posts'         => 'edit_others_shows',

    // primitive caps used inside of map_meta_cap()
    'read'                      => 'read_shows',
    'edit_private_posts'        => 'edit_private_shows',
    'edit_published_posts'      => 'edit_published_shows',
    'delete_posts'              => 'delete_shows',
    'delete_private_posts'      => 'delete_private_shows',
    'delete_published_posts'    => 'delete_published_shows',
    'delete_others_posts'       => 'delete_others_shows'


Add another CPT called podcast which are linked to a radio broadcast via a meta value (anyway, it's not important here). It ha these capabilities :

'capabilities'          => array(

    // meta caps
    'read_post'                 => 'read_podcast',
    'edit_post'                 => 'edit_podcast',
    'delete_post'               => 'delete_podcast',

    // primitive/meta caps
    'create_posts'              => 'create_podcasts',

    // primitive caps used outside of map_meta_cap()
    'publish_posts'             => 'publish_podcasts',
    'read_private_posts'        => 'read_private_podcasts',
    'edit_posts'                => 'edit_podcasts',
    'edit_others_posts'         => 'edit_others_podcasts',

    // primitive caps used inside of map_meta_cap()
    'read'                      => 'read_podcasts',
    'edit_private_posts'        => 'edit_private_podcasts',
    'edit_published_posts'      => 'edit_published_podcasts',
    'delete_posts'              => 'delete_podcasts',
    'delete_private_posts'      => 'delete_private_podcasts',
    'delete_published_posts'    => 'delete_published_podcasts',
    'delete_others_posts'       => 'delete_others_podcasts'


Say you add a new role called Show Runner which should have this rights :

  • Edit its own radio broadcast (no creation or deletion, the radio broadcast is created by an editor which change the author to the show runner).
  • Create / Edit its podcasts (but not publish or delete)

Here is the role capabilities mapping :

    __( 'Show Runner', 'lang_plugin' ),
        'read'                          => true,
        /* Media upload */
        'upload_files'                  => true,
        /* CPT show */
        'read_shows'                    => true,
        'create_shows'                  => false,
        'publish_shows'                 => false,
        'edit_shows'                    => true,
        'edit_published_shows'          => true,
        'delete_shows'                  => false,
        /* CPT podcast */
        'read_podcasts'                 => true,
        'create_podcasts'               => true,
        'publish_podcasts'              => false,
        'edit_podcasts'                 => true,
        'edit_published_podcasts'       => true,
        'delete_podcasts'               => false,

The first weird thing

A show runner can not access the list of shows although he has 'read_shows' and 'edit_shows' to true and that I can see the "Shows" Menu in the sidebar.

But if I put 'create_shows' to true, he access the list...and can create a show (but I don't want that !).

The second weird thing (coming from the first one)

I have set 'create_shows' to false (to reflect what I really want) again before continuing.

If I change the show_in_menu parameters of the podcast CPT to put it into the show menu (as a submenu) like this :

'show_in_menu'          => 'edit.php?post_type=show'

... then the show runner has access to the Shows list, without the "New Show" button. Cool ! That's what I want.

BUT : If the show runner tries to create a new podcast (he can do this regarding capabilities), wordpress says he has no rights for this...

Conclusion / Question

Why a CPT creation depends like this of the menu position ?? It's like the podcast CPT heritates of the false value of create_shows although it's true for him.

Subquestion : how can a role have access to the list of a CPT without setting 'create_xxxxx' to true ?

1 Answer 1


This sounds like core bug #22895.

Access to the menu item will not be allowed unless the user also has the edit_posts capability (for the Post post type).

  • wow. It looks like it's a deep one... there is plenty of other long time bugs linked to it... Do you think I should post a new bug to see if core developers link this to other bugs ?
    – nderambure
    Commented Jul 31, 2015 at 1:06

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