I'd like to display the content of a custom post type, when hovering over a "question mark icon". In order to get the data, I used the following code (series is the custom post type):
<?php foreach ($series as $post): ?>
<?php setup_postdata($post); ?>
<a class="fa fa-question-circle" href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title=<?php echo get_the_content('post_content', $post->ID); ?>></a>
<?php echo the_title(); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
For some reason, it only displays the first word of the post content when I hover over the question mark. When I look at the element information on that page in my browser, it shows me all of the series' content but only the first word is in quotation marks. Here is a screenshot of the element information and as you can see, only the first word "Diese" is in quotation marks:
Am I missing something on how to get the whole content displayed?