I am trying to make a placeholder appear on the default html editor on a specific post type. The code looks like this:

function add_placeholder_event( $html ){
if ( 'event' == $post->post_type )
    $html = preg_replace('/<textarea/', '<textarea placeholder="my place holder text" ', $html);
return $html;

It does not work, however, if I remove if ( 'event' == $post->post_type ) from the code it will work (but will apply to every html text editor on Wordpress).

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

  • The editor is not a normal textarea. It is TinyMCE, and TinyMCE does not use a textarea. It's a HTML document in an iframe. Commented Mar 9, 2018 at 9:29
  • I have disabled the WYSIWYG/TinyMCE editor, and using only the standard html/text editor for this post type. Or what do you mean? It does work for me, I just can't make it only apply to a custom post type?
    – jockebq
    Commented Mar 9, 2018 at 9:31

1 Answer 1


Solved it:

function add_placeholder_event( $html ){
$screen = get_current_screen();
$post_type = $screen->post_type;

if( $post_type == 'event' ) {
    $html = preg_replace('/<textarea/', '<textarea placeholder="John Doe" ', $html);
return $html;

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