Hi i am not very experienced with plugin development and i am using edit_{$taxonomy} | Hook but i am not able to get new updated values using this hook. Here is my code
function action_edit_taxonomy( $term_id, $t_id ){
$term = get_term($term_id);
add_action( "edit_um_user_tag", 'action_edit_taxonomy', 10, 6 );
But $term is returning old term saved value, not which i am going to update now.
So how i will be able to get new value which i am going to update now.
I will really appreciate it if someone will guide me that where i am wrong with this code. I have tried to find out help but still the problem is there. I am already using get_term() function for create_{$taxonomy} | Hook and get_term is working for it but it is not returning correct value for edit_{$taxonomy} | Hook.
Thank you!!