I have started learning Hooks today and trying to accomplish the following.

When the home page of my site loads, it would insert a new term in my custom taxonomy called amenities. Then using a dynamic Hook (create_{$taxonomy}, in my case it is create_amenities) and with the help of a custom function hooked into create_amenities I am printing the newly added term_id.

This is what I did

1. Created a function to print the new term_id, which accepts one parameter and hooked it into above.

add_action('create_amenities', 'tourplan_print_new_amenity_term_id', 10, 1);

function tourplan_print_new_amenity_term_id($term_id) {
   // Printing twice while should only print once.
   echo 'The newly added term id is: '. $term_id;

2. Inside my index.php I have written the following:

$arr_term = array(
  'description' => 'Honeymoon Suit for couple',
  'slug'        => 'honeymoon-suite'

$new_term = $wp_insert_term('Honeymoon Suit', 'amenities', $arr_term);
$new_term_id = $new_term['term_id'];

do_action('create_amenities', $new_term_id);

3. And finally I am removing the term from taxonomy after calling above do_action method:

wp_remove_term($new_term_id, 'amenities');

Everything works fine except the Hook function is printing the value of ID twice. What am I doing wrong?

PS: I am not using any ready made theme or any child theme. It is a completely hand-built theme from scratch.

1 Answer 1


You don't need to add do_action('create_amenities', $new_term_id);.

The created_{$taxonomy} hook fires after a new term in a specific taxonomy is created by default.

  • Thanks a ton! I understand now. Is there any way to know whether an associated hook is firing automatically when something is done like this? Can you please suggest a place where I can read more about it? Commented May 4, 2017 at 15:32
  • 1
    Just refer to the official code reference when in doubt of how any hook works: developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/created_taxonomy
    – Greg36
    Commented May 4, 2017 at 16:01

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