Looking through the pagination functions available in WordPress, most seem to be associated with posts. paginate_links() seems to be the only function which will work with WP_User_Query. However, when I use that I get numbered pagination:

echo paginate_links( array(
    'base'      => get_pagenum_link( 1 ) . '%_%',
    'current'   => max( 1, get_query_var( 'paged' ) ),
    'format'    => 'page/%#%/',
    'prev_next' => true,
    'total'     => intval( $wp_user_query->total_users / $number ) + 1
) );

How can I output "Prev" and "Next" pagination links that work with WP_User_Query? Note, I don't want to output numbered links such as 1, 2, 3 and so on.

1 Answer 1


I'm not aware of any generic helper - all the post-related navigation functions seem to be tied into the global WP_Query instance. The only real useful function at your disposal is get_pagenum_link:

$paged = max( 1, get_query_var( 'paged' ) );

if ( $number * $paged < $wp_user_query->total_users ) {
    printf( '<a href="%s">Next</a>', get_pagenum_link( $paged + 1 ) ); 

if ( $paged > 1 ) {
    printf( '<a href="%s">Back</a>', get_pagenum_link( $paged - 1 ) ); 

Note the function returns escaped strings by default, so no need for esc_url.

  • Thanks for this. I had an idea there wasn't something already pre-made. Commented May 24, 2017 at 16:58

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