In single WP installations, on a plugin's generated sub-page, you put

<form action="options.php" ...

does the job well.

However, in Multisite Network sub-page, options.php doesnt work, nor settings.php (it redirects to that page after form submission)...

I cant find out what page to use there, to send <form> values to that page which will save and redirect back to the sub-page ( like options.php does on single WP site- it saves values and redirects back).

1 Answer 1


The easiest thing to do is to set the form's action='' and use the global $plugin_page; as described in the Notes section of add_submenu_page().

For example:

add_action ('network_admin_menu', 'add_network_menus') ;

add_network_menus ()
    add_menu_page ('My Page Title', 'My Menu Title',
        'manage_network', 'my_menu_slug', 'my_network_admin_page') ;
    add_submenu_page ('my_menu_slug', 'Some Subpage Title',
        'My Submeny Title', 'manage_network', 'my_submenu_slug',
        'network_admin_subpage') ;

    return ;

network_admin_page ()
    global $title, $plugin_page ;

    echo <<<EOF
<div class='wrap'>
    <div id='icon-tools' class='icon32'></div>

    <p>more content here</p>

    return ;

network_admin_subpage ()
    global $title, $plugin_page ;

    echo <<<EOF
<div class='wrap'>
    <div id='icon-tools' class='icon32'></div>

    <p>more content here</p>
    <form action='' method='GET'>
        <input type='hidden' name='page' value='$plugin_page' />
        <input type='submit' value='Submit'>

    return ;

This works for both normal and network admin menus.

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