I just had the same issue and with a little googling I found the following solution:
// Add the selective part
$wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'your_theme_second_logo', array(
'selector' => '#yourID', // You can also select a css class
) );
After you add the custom settings, you need to tell to WordPress what settings you want to manage with selective refresh.
For example, I wanted to add a second logo, right next to the main logo so I added the following code:
/* Customizer fields */
function your_theme_customizer_settings($wp_customize) {
// Add a setting to upload partners logo, right next to our logo
// Add the field informations
new WP_Customize_Image_Control(
'label' => __('Upload second ', 'textdomain'),
'description' => __( 'Some description', 'textdomain'),
'section' => 'title_tagline',
'settings' => 'your_theme_second_logo',
// Add the selective part
$wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'your_theme_second_logo', array(
'selector' => '#yourID', // You can also select a css class
) );
// Customizer action
add_action('customize_register', 'your_theme_customizer_settings');
After you do all the backend part, you need to move to frontend. In order to have a visible edit button in case of empty field (no picture selected, in this case), you need to wrap the field into some wrapper. I used a span wrapper with yourID id.
<span id="yourID">
<?php /* Partner logo */
$headPartner = get_theme_mod( 'your_theme_second_logo' );
if ( !empty($headPartner) ) {
echo '<img src="' . $headPartner . '" alt="Your Partner">';