I need to inject some underscore templates into admin screen without modifying the core. The templates look like this:

<script type="text/template" id="template-123">
    <div class="section intro">
        {{{ data.section.intro }}}

    <div class="section content">
        {{{ data.section.content }}}

All templates depend on certain script handle, so I thought about using wp_add_inline_script() but it doesn't allow me to specify type and id attribute.

So, is there a hacky solution to add that attributes while adding inline scripts? Or There's a better way?

I really appreciate you help!

1 Answer 1


Here's one demo suggestion:

add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', function()
   wp_enqueue_script(    'my-script', '/my-script.js', ['underscore', 'backbone'], '1.0' );
   wp_add_inline_script( 'my-script', 'alert("hello world");' );

   // Add our template
   if( function_exists( 'wpse_add_inline_tmpl' ) )
           $handle = 'my-script', 
           $id     = 'my-tmpl', 
           $tmpl   = '<div class="section intro">{{{ data.section.intro }}}</div>' 

} );

where we define our custom wpse_add_inline_tmpl() function as:

function wpse_add_inline_tmpl( $handle, $id, $tmpl )
    // Collect input data
    static $data = [];
    $data[$handle][$id] = $tmpl;

    // Append template for relevant script handle
        function( $tag, $hndl, $src ) use ( &$data, $handle, $id )
            // Nothing to do if no match
            if( ! isset( $data[$hndl][$id] ) )
                return $tag;

            // Script tag replacement aka wp_add_inline_script()
            if ( false !== stripos( $data[$hndl][$id], '</script>' ) )
                $data[$hndl][$id] = trim( preg_replace( 
                ) );

            // Append template
            $tag .= sprintf(
                "<script type='text/template' id='%s'>\n%s\n</script>" . PHP_EOL,
                esc_attr( $id ),

            return $tag;
   10, 3 );

Here we use the script_loader_tag filter to inject the template code and use both the handle and id to reference it. We also use the script tag replacement from the core wp_add_inline_script() function.

Hope you can test this further and modify to your needs. Writing this as a class might be a better approach ;-)

  • Thank you! You have saved me a lot of time. It works great!
    – Minh Tri
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 13:56
  • ok great, you're welcome @Dan9
    – birgire
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 16:12

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