How the hell do you keep up with updates without a week worth of hassle?
I must be incredibly stupid or something because I can't figure out how to make it painless.
PS! This is a problem for those who add their own (complex) features, modify PHP & JS etc. Updates are breeze for casual theme users who changes CSS or few little things.
I tried child-theme in few first theme updates but you literally have to check & compare every single file in theme after update because:
- Developers DO NOT include a list in .txt file with files that they changed with last update.
- .php files in child theme overwrites whole file in theme - so you miss out new features OR get errors if that file has been changed with last update.
Because of all that I just modify core files & if theme update has some cool features, I'll code it or copy-paste it myself. This also has few drawbacks:
- You might miss out code changes that makes theme faster, safer or more efficient.
- if new feature require changing like 5 files, it takes time to figure out someone else's code - all this again because there is no .txt file of changes!
My question is: How to make theme updates as painless as possible if you deep-customize it yourself (child-theme or not)?