I'm currently writing a script that is running on a server and is supposed to get information about a) the WordPress version b) the plugins c) the plugin versions.
The WordPress version number is no problem, but I'm not sure how to reliably obtain the required plugin information. I've located the plugin folder (wp-content/plugins). Does this folder contain all plugins?
Even if it does, I don't know if there is a fixed structure to get a) the official name b) the official version number of all plugins.
For example, one plugin I checked had the version number in a .php file with an @version annotation, but the version of the second plugin I checked was just part of the comments (Version = 2.66 or something like this).
Is there a reliable way to obtain this information without using PHP (because the script I'm writing is not limited to WordPress and must run on servers without PHP)? Something like a common structure, or a central file with collected information on the plugins?