I have a "repeater" style field group on a custom options page. There's an active visual editor in a hidden state, and when the user clicks "add new" the whole row is cloned. I then need to initialize the visual editor in the cloned row. My code:
$('.repeater-add-new').click(function(event) {
var target = $(this).data('repeater');
$( '#' + target).find('.repeater-row:not(.clone) .repeater-content.in').collapse();
var newRow = $( '#' + target + ' .repeater-row.clone' ).clone().appendTo( '#' + target + ' .repeater-row-wrapper' ).removeClass('clone');
// Initialize editors if needed
newRow.find('.wp-editor-wrap').each(function(index, el) {
var ed_id = $(this).find('textarea').attr('id');
tinymce.execCommand('mceAddEditor', false, ed_id);
quicktags({id : ed_id});
Screenshot of the interface:
When the page loads, I get the console error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'onpageload' of undefined
And of course the editor doesn't work. After I save the page it works fine of course, but I need it to be functional when the row is added as well.