This is what I want: I have made a Custom Post Type in my theme and it shows in my home too, but the problem is that tha CPT takes the same elements and style of a default post in Wordpress, how I can assign a template for how my CPT is displayed at my home? When I say home I mean (The content of index.php, this archive has the aspect of all the post in the home, so how I can create a dedicaded template to my CPT in the home)
Check this code example of a theme in index.php, but doesn't work for me:
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
if ( get_post_type() == 'reviews' ) : ?>
<?php include( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/show-reviews-frontpage.php' ); ?>
<?php elseif ( get_post_type() == 'videos' ) : ?>
<?php include( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/show-videos-frontpage.php' ); ?>
<?php elseif ( get_post_type() == 'screenshots' ) : ?>
<?php include( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/show-screenshots-frontpage.php' ); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php include( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/show-posts-frontpage.php' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Thanks a lot.