How can I show all the CPT ( Custom Post Type ) posts in one single page? I can view a single CPT post using single-{CPT name}.php file but I am unable to use the archive-{CPT name}.php

I have a CPT as DProject and lets say I have one CPT post SPINNER

www.localhost.com/DProject/SPINNER is visible just like single post but what I want is

www.localhost.com/DProject to show all the CPT posts in one single page just like default post using index.php and the loop.

Please Help.

  • Did you flush your permalinks? Commented Oct 11, 2013 at 23:05

1 Answer 1


I think you can do this if you think through how the template hierarchy works carefully enough.

  • archive-post.php should handle your standard post post types
  • archive.php would then handle the rest of the archives
  • You may want specialized category-- category.php
  • or tag archives-- tag.php

A similar pattern should work for single post display.

  • single-post.php should handle your single post post type
  • single.php should handle everything else

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