I have a custom post type for a plugin I'm creating and the label for the "add an item" type of button (at the top of the list page) needs a partner-button that says "import" and one that says "export" so that I can (after a brief confirmation dialogue) allow my client to push and pull the records with a JSON file that is already all set up; I just need them to be able to trigger it and I can't figure out how to add buttons to the list page.

A screenshot of the button on the edit list

So I need to add "Import" and "Export" after the "Add an Entry" button.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Did you find the solution? Because I have the same problem
    – Metalgear
    Commented Jul 3, 2020 at 13:02

3 Answers 3


I found a way to get it done but I am not very happy with this procedure. Please add your answer if you find better way. Mean while, this might be of help.


I only need this on edit page, so I am using admin_head-edit.php action, but you can use admin_head or some other (not very specific requirement)

 * Adds "Import" button on module list page
public function addCustomImportButton()
    global $current_screen;

    // Not our post type, exit earlier
    // You can remove this if condition if you don't have any specific post type to restrict to. 
    if ('module' != $current_screen->post_type) {

        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready( function($)
                jQuery(jQuery(".wrap h2")[0]).append("<a  id='aspose_doc_popup' class='add-new-h2'>Import</a>");

I scraped the WordPress source code to find this solution that is in pure PHP and has been available since WordPress 4.4.

You can use the action "manage_posts_extra_tablenav" to insert whatever you want before and after the table.


This is an example:

add_action('manage_posts_extra_tablenav', function($which) {
    if (get_current_screen()->post_type !== 'ticket'){
    echo '<div class="actions alignleft"><button>Custom button</button></div>';

enter image description here

  • THIS is the correct answer
    – gilad905
    Commented Apr 17, 2023 at 15:17

You can't add button next to the "Add new" without injecting it with javascript. The closest hook is edit_form_top to add your button below the title line like this:

enter image description here

In my sample I've added a button to my custom post type "Event":

add_action('edit_form_top', 'add_custom_button');

function add_custom_button($id){
    if ($post->post_type != 'event') return false;
    echo('<button>Custom button</button>');

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