I maintain a site that will get a new layout, with a new width for the content area (currently 390px, say 500px for the new width). Many images (but not all) are sized to the current width (some are smaller, some are larger but should they should not be). How do I prepare the resize to the new width of 500px? Not all images are included as attachments (yet).
I would like:
- All images that are 390px and have an original of 500px or larger, should resize to 500px
- An overview of all images that could not be resized because the original is not available or smaller than 500px
- An overview of all images that are larger than 500px, so I can decide on them myself
- All OEmbeds that are 390px should resize to 500px
- An overview of all "old-style embeds" (probably all Flash objects) so I can replace them by OEmbeds of the correct size.