if you are trying to output only specific page title and content with looping, it is ok, you just only need id of post or page
// Here is two thing you just need to understand
1. the_title() ( no need "echo", this function is more specific for title of current view post or page);
2. get_the_title( need "echo", this function can show every post or page title in every page);
echo get_the_title(120); // 120 is your post or page id, it can show every page
echo get_the_title($post->ID); // for only current page view
echo get_the_title(get_the_ID()); // for only current page view, also in loop
echo get_the_title(get_the_ID(12)) //120 is your post or page id, it can show every page
echo get_the_title(get_the_ID($post->ID));
the_content() is only for current page, also in loop, no need echo
echo get_the_content(120); // 120 is your post or page id, it can show every page
echo get_the_content($post->ID); // for only current page view
echo get_the_content(get_the_ID()); // for only current page view, also in loop
echo get_the_content(get_the_ID(12)) //120 is your post or page id, it can show every page
echo get_the_content(get_the_ID($post->ID));