I am trying to develop my first WordPress site, its going to be a school site, I develop sites normally, but this is my first time of using a CMS to do that.
The school site is supposed to display the homepage of the school when users view the site, but then, it is supposed to also show a login link
to users when they are not logged in, and if they are logged in, it is supposed to show extra items on the menu bar.
I do not see how to achieve this without some conditional statements in place, but I really hope there is a way to get there without coding, I am new to wordpress and I have not really gone deep into knowing much of its classes and functions, so most preferable I would like to achieve this without coding using plugins or maybe specific themes (if possible), and if not, I would still like to know how to go about it.
I hope my question is not too ambiguous. I would really appreciate all answers. Thanks...
conditional statement
is_user_logged_in codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/is_user_logged_in