I have a plugin that allow my users in multisite to generate simple urls like http://example.com/user/?my_url=2DD0B8183 but i want to include the https instead http ...

echo '<div>';
    echo '<div><input type="text" class="url" value="' .get_option('home'). '/?my_url=' . $download["code"] . '" onclick="this.select();" /></div>';

I tried

echo '<div><input type="text" class="url" value="https://' .get_blogaddress_by_id( $user_info->primary_blog ) . '?my_url=' . $download["code"] . '" onclick="this.select();" /></div>';

but i get https://http://example.com/user/?my_url=C4785825B

I have already forced ssl/https for entire my network via .htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

1 Answer 1


Instead of get_option, use home_url which will determine ...

the appropriate protocol, "https" if is_ssl() and "http" otherwise. If the $scheme argument is "http" or "https" the is_ssl() check is overridden.

In fact, network_home_url would be more appropriate since you are talking about Multisite.

Those should return the same value that you are trying the access in your code-- the home option key-- but with the appropriate protocol.

This may not be the URL you want though. You may want site_url or the multisite equivalent, network_site_url.

  • @Ghinnersmee : yep. I used a function that returns the same address as get_option('home'), which you were trying to use, but with the appropriate protocol. What you needed was a different address altogether. I will update the answer for future visitors.
    – s_ha_dum
    Commented Jun 25, 2013 at 22:14

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