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C C's user avatar
C C's user avatar
C C's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland
13 votes

Create users from frontend without password

10 votes

How to stop showing admin notice after close button has been clicked

5 votes

disable admin-bar search field for specific roles

4 votes

Trying to count the total number of paragraphs inside a blog article

4 votes

Domain mapping (without plugin) in 4.5.x multisite?

4 votes

How Can I Change The Name Of My Subdomain in Wordpress Multisite

3 votes

displaying custom code on a given users profile page

3 votes

Wordpress multisite apply different options over each site from same plugin

3 votes

How to remove Profile Picture section or the message "You can change your profile picture on Gravatar."

2 votes

Run function when WordPress new multisite is created or ACF field is updated

2 votes

Function in array as arguments for WP_Query

2 votes

Pass PHP variable to JavaScript without inline JS

2 votes

Utilizing WordPress' Admin UI for plugin settings: getting accordion style

2 votes

What is the best way to overwrite /wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php

2 votes

Google Page Speed Insights - Optimize Images

2 votes

Using PHP in a Stylesheet (possibly a ".htaccess" problem?)

2 votes

How to exclude certain code from style.css?

2 votes

How to echo all the_title() without text after last "-"

1 vote

Add second background-image on hover

1 vote

Fresh new install or keep old version

1 vote

WordPress multisite with domains and subdomains

1 vote

Is it possible to prevent website from breaking with auto update?

1 vote

I want to set global directory locations for my CSS and JS locations. How?

1 vote

Use global variables or function that returns said variables for site-wide private-ish WP settings?

1 vote

post_content is stripping HTML when adding a new post?

1 vote

Body tag in header AND template/footer?

1 vote

Best practices for making a WordPress site "movable"?

1 vote

After I change CSS not updating in the browser

1 vote

End excerpt at the end of the sentence

1 vote

Wp Admin Bar Customizing Labels