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Questions tagged [wp-blog-header.php]

Loads the WordPress environment and template.

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External WP_Query call from PHP crashed after version update

I have an external script that does some DB maintenance through WP_Query and similar functions. It used to work great, but now after a PHP version update (from 7 to 8) it stopped working. The ...
Binyomin's user avatar
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Show preview of wordpress posts on external html sever

I used to have this working, however, ionos started chartging me for having wordpress, when I said I am not paying for a free site they deleted access to my blog. All the program files are there but I ...
Rick's user avatar
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2 answers

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp()

I keep getting the below message and I can't access my website: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp() in /home/q77bvndhxly7/public_html/wp-blog-header.php:16 Stack trace: #0 /...
Marshall's user avatar
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Call to undefined function wp() in wp-blog-header.php

I am getting this error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp() in /home/pgcimykfka2h/public_html/ Stack trace: #0 /home/pgcimykfka2h/...
KamalKishore's user avatar
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include multiple wp-blog-header.php from different blogs

I want to include more than one wp-blog-header.php like the following. $config = array( array( "path" => "/path/to/blog/1/" ), array( "path" => "/path/to/blog/2/" ...
delueg's user avatar
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2 answers

How to run a function after wp() in the wp-blog-header.php file?

I want to run a function after the wp(); line in the file wp-blog-header.php, what is the proper hook to use here? <?php /** * Loads the WordPress environment and template. * * @package ...
Jaafar Abazid's user avatar
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how to add H1 in title site?

based on SEO inspector said that my homepage doesnt cointain H1 heading... this code from developer source i taken from mozilla browser <title>interiordapur - Ahlinya Kitchen Set &amp; ...
Interior's user avatar
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My first web

This is my first time making af webside and I have by an accident deleted somthing in/ at my File manager. (I thougth it was the blog part that i do not need ) but Now the webside is white and it ...
llw's user avatar
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3 answers

How to select a specific page

I'm having an issue selecting a page. There are guides that tell you how to find the page ID and I just couldn't find it in the admin panel to figure out what the page ID is. If only there was a way ...
PepperAddict's user avatar
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Plugin alternative to wp-blog-header.php hacks?

I have 2 extra pieces of code in wp-blog-header.php. The first handles 410 and 404 headers and goes at the top, before the line if ( !isset($wp_did_header) ) { The second handles some complex ...
MBourne's user avatar
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my header.php page got erased when i trying to post google tag manger code , how can i retrieve it, rest of the theme is ok

When i was trying to paste my google tag code into header.php page , the entire page got erased, how can i retrive it. I am able to the see the sliders in the header area , but the header page is ...
venkata ravi kumar attili's user avatar
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Add custom field information to source meta data

I try to add information from a custom field into the metadata in the source code. While searching for the solutions I found some. As I am not really an expert I ask you guys. I want to add ...
Martin Schmidt's user avatar
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How to call WordPress PHP file using external js file

I have added custom PHP file in WordPress directory and added following line to use WordPress functions: require ('../wp-blog-header.php'); Now I am able to use WordPress functions but unable call ...
Faisal Shaikh's user avatar
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Blog page is not showing properly

I am working on my site due to some problem my blog page is not displaying posts properly. Its showing the content of some other page in header, however all the posts are ...
Tayyab's user avatar
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Is it ok if I use this <title> tag?

I'm using <title><?php echo get_bloginfo('title'); ?></title> but it shows the same title in all pages. Is it any way to show the title post, the separator and the blog name in the ...
Fernando Cortés's user avatar
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Body tag in header AND template/footer?

So I'm pretty new at Wordpress development, and I'm a little confused by one thing. After going through and finishing my navigation in my header.php file, I went over to my template for the home page ...
geektripp's user avatar
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How to extract some part of WordPress full source code

Is it possible to extract some part of WordPress like the posting and display of content. In the posting part all the processes used in posting and updating a content or the posts. Ihe index ...
SIR-MYK3's user avatar
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Allow the execution of an external PHP script for logged users

I need to call a PHP script external to WP and I would like to take advantage of the credentials of WP so that only logged users can access this script. I have tried to use this code embedded in my ...
user1401141's user avatar
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Wordpress archives in header -necessary?

I just had a look at my source code and found that at the very beginning there's this really long list of archives. I haven't seen this on other blogs: <link rel="pingback" href="http://...
japanworm's user avatar
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What is the function of wp() in wp-blog-header.php

I am learning WordPress and I find that in wp-blog-header.php a function wp(); is defined. I find that it is defined in functions.php. Could someone tell me what exactly this function do. The Codex ...
Girish Kumar's user avatar
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Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_post() with ajax

I have an index.php page with about link, which will get about author content from created page (post) inside WordPress dashboard with name about. I'm using Magnific Popup plugin for poups. I have ...
user3003810's user avatar
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Could not find wp-load.php issue

I am setting up a Wordpress site into a Git repository, and as a result have moved the wp-content directory outsite of the Wordpress core directory (which is permitted as per http://codex.wordpress....
Josh's user avatar
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why get_header doesn't work twice in a test

I'm trying to test a template. It's working fine individually until I run all the tests altogether and the tests fail. protected function load_template() { do_action( 'template_redirect' ); $...
toy's user avatar
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Get permalink of a post without using Wordpress functions

I'm trying to get the permalink of a post without using Wordpress functions and am trying to find the best way to go about it. Basically whats happening is that I have a multi site install of ...
Eric Strom's user avatar
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Wordpress Website with Login system

I am new to WordPress but have been developing in PHP (CI specially). I stumbled into problem when I have to integrate a website developed in CI with a WordPress website. This wordpress component is ...
radiopassive's user avatar
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there's a way to include a minimal WP for check only the current user, its roles (caps?) and then release/free it?

I need to count how many times a file in a particular sub-directory is downloaded and track who downloaded it. I'm using a Php file to do it, it isn't a WP file but I need to include WP to get the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Downsize CPU & DB usage in wordpress

i have created a smart interface WP based which we use to manage clients.. it uses a lot of information and data each time a client is returned / viewed. it is a locked interface and does not have ...
Sagive's user avatar
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Why I have this error when I try to install this old blog on my local webserver?

I am pretty new to WP (I came from Joomla) and I am finding some difficulties trying to put on my local web server an old backup of a website (made using WP 3.5) I have performed the following ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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4 answers

How to load wordpress environment without loading the template?

Basically I want to use wordpress functions for example wp_create_user() or wp_update_user() outside of wordpress (outside of wordpress directory). I tried with all the below code snippets to load ...
Ram Patra's user avatar
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Using wordpress and codeigniter in one website

Is it possible to use WordPress as the CMS but all of contents will be displayed using CodeIgniter? What I want to know also if I can use the WordPress functions by simply including this wp-blog-...
rolz's user avatar
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Force pdf download not working when include blog-header.php

I have this code which works in a file called downloads/download.php: <?php header('Content-type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="file.pdf"'); ...
BillyMedia's user avatar
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Cannot Modify Header Information - While trying logging in

I am having the same issue as cited on: Can you give me a help on that. ...
Fillipo's user avatar
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Include root files into header files

I want to include files from the root directory of my site within the WordPress "header" file. Is there any function for including a file from the root folder?
Pratik Prajapati's user avatar
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Using plugin functionality in external php script not working

I am encountering a strange problem which I couldn't solve so far. I'm calling a .php script via cronjob (Debian/GNU Linux). To use wordpress functionailty I added: define('WP_USE_THEMES', false); ...
lhermann's user avatar
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Creating a Dynamic Path to wp-blog-header.php

Created a class in an external script which is dependent on the Wordpress environment. Since it's a class I intend to use on various projects, I decided to dynamically create a path to wp-blog-header....
akamaozu's user avatar
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Using WPDB to output raw XML fails because of wp-blog-header.php

I'm coding a plugin. One particular file of this plugin is supposed to pull data from the plugin's custom DB table, and output it with minimal processing as raw XML. The problem is, to get the WPDB ...
SoItBegins's user avatar
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include wp-blog-header not working on MAMP

To clarify my question... My plugin is/was using AJAX to call the file pluginname/submit/pick.php My pluginname/pluginname.php contains the usual plugin header and wordpress automatically finds it. ...
Joe_Schmoe's user avatar
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7 answers

What is the correct way to use WordPress functions outside WordPress files?

I read about 2 methods for initializing WordPress function outside of WordPress files so We can use these functions on any page or website outside the WordPress blog. Which one of these 2 methods is ...
alhoseany's user avatar
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Right way to include blog-header.php?

I have a voting system on a custom post which uses AJAX, and I have a file that handles the AJAX request. This file is inside a sub folder named php of my theme. Hence the structure is: ../wp-...
Rutwick Gangurde's user avatar
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Limiting conditional comment to home only in header.php

I've discovered a solution to an IE problem with a conditional comment. I only need it on the home page because I've isolated there with a class on only one image. Unfortunately, the comment causes me ...
Jeffrey Brown's user avatar
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Loading wp-load.php in an external PHP file throws unknown error

I'm loading wp-load.php in order to access WP functions inside of a PHP file that I'm using to process form submissions. Everything works perfectly fine on localhost and every server I've tested (...
Pippin's user avatar
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