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Pikamander2's user avatar
Pikamander2's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • United States
11 votes

How can I make my custom shortcode work in a Custom HTML Widget?

5 votes

How can I free up the memory used by update_post_meta?

4 votes

How to get current post ID in Contact Form 7 wpcf7_before_send_mail hook action

1 vote

How to remove "featured image" functionality from a custom post type?

1 vote

Why is my staging subdomain not sending wordpress_logged_in cookies?

1 vote

WP_Query can't exclude more than 1 author?

1 vote

Why aren't some plugin styles loading when I load a template?

0 votes

Large WP 3.0 menu times out and won't save

0 votes

Why is WP_Query not working with category_name?

0 votes

Why am I sometimes getting a 404 error when I try to update a page with Elementor?

0 votes

Remove the Featured Image Meta Box

0 votes

How to prevent WordPress from updating the modified time?

0 votes

Plugins won't update when Wordpress says they're updated

0 votes

What differences are there between a Privately Published post and a Draft post?