In a Wordpress 3.5.1 network, I have six plugins which have updates available:
- AddThis Follow Widget
- AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget
- AddThis Welcome Bar
- Jetpack by
- Visual Form Builder
- WordPress SEO
I select them, press Update, Wordpress loads through it's update procedure:
The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.
Enabling Maintenance mode…
All updates have been completed.
and then I see that I still have 6 updates available, and the updates have not been applied to these 6 plugins.
I have not made any changes to Wordpress, and deactivating plugins does not resolve this.
I receive no errors, and the hosting plan we're on is unlimited disk space.
upgrade=Update Plugins&checked[]=some-plugin/some-plugin.php&checked[]=another_plugin/another_plugin.php
. Is there anything non-traditional about your WP installation, like symlinking the plugins directory?