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Unanswered Questions

3,184 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is AJAX relevant when inserting a new post programmatically?

What I'm already able to achieve : Inserting a new post with the WordPress function. Doing it programmatically when some conditions are fulfilled. The downside of this way of creating new post is ...
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How do I ensure that the URL parameters are updated correctly when multiple filters are applied

I am writing a product filter, and ran into this issue. I have 2 different attributes of my product filter: Tilt -- as a checkbox with "Yes" or "No", and Multibrand Compatible -- ...
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0 answers

Filtered queries not responeding to page path

I am writing a product filter, and ran into this issue. I have 2 different attributes of my product filter: Tilt -- as a checkbox with "Yes" or "No", and Multibrand Compatible -- ...
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Post Navigation Elementor

I'm using Elementor and ACF on a website and have a custom post type for events. In elementor I have the posts on the archive page set to order by the ACF start date field. When the user clicks the ...
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1 answer

Filtering with Attributes - how to display all non-queried products below query

I addded attributes to filter out products, based on their selection. For instance, I have field named 'tiled' as yes or no. If person ticks 'yes', all the products with the attribute of 'yes' are ...
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0 answers

Order by Post Title in WP Query not working

Its wired, i've try to order a custom post type simply by title, and still struggle. Of cause i checkt the dWP dev resources and much more. See always the same solutions, but its not working. Maybe I ...
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Display posts in correct month order using single date custom field

I have developed a WP Query that displays posts from a custom post type and taxonomy, and orders them by date using a custom field. The posts have a single Advanced Custom Fields date picker field ...
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Displaying child pages and file URL in an ACF relationship field shortcode

Just to outline my scenario; I have some basic pages and a CPT called 'Resources'. The 'Resources' post type has an ACF file field called 'pdf_file' The pages have an ACF relationship field which ...
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1 answer

WP_Query with multiple categories unexpected behavior

I'm working on a custom filter that uses checkboxes to choose which categories to show. I'm trying to get it show posts based on selecting more than one category. When I test with hard coded ID's it ...
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0 answers

Why does my custom slug only show in Gutenberg editor after page refresh?

I'm using an acf field to create a custom slug for a post type. Everything works and saves correct in the database. Only the shown value of the link field in the backend is not updated on publish. I ...
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0 answers

Using a Query Loop Block with Variables (Custom Meta)

Query Loop Block is extraordinarily powerful. I am using FSE. I want to filter data via any number of meta keys and values from the editor. I think it might be good if the editor could allow a method ...
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Show Hide Post Information based on term clicked by user

let me explain my requirements. I have WordPress website and I have created a custom post type reviews. Single post have acf fields which I want to show up depending upon the the term user clicks on ...
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1 answer

wp_insert_term how to insert "<" or ">" in description

so i'm trying to insert an image to wp_insert_term() by $args = array ( 'description' => '<img src="src">'); wp_insert_term( 'sample', 'taxonomy', $args ) ; However it is being ...
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0 answers

ACF Inside Interactivity block

I’ve been using the WordPress Interactivity API blocks for a few months and have found them useful and straightforward until now. BUT For the past two days, I’ve been trying to display ACF (Advanced ...
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0 answers

How to delete widget in Wordpress?

I would like to remove the widget that is in the attached screenshot. Recently I managed to write a short code in the additional CSS code in Wordpress. Unfortunately, I changed the theme and this code ...

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