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Unanswered Questions

4,462 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Help Needed: Filter Elementor Loop Grid to Show Only Assigned Stores for Each User

I’m working on a portal for a client’s internal operations, and I’m facing an issue with filtering content for specific users. Here’s the breakdown: I’ve created a Custom Post Type (CPT) for stores ...
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0 answers

Make URL of a post pretty using JetEngine

I am currently using JetEngine and I have created a Custom Post Type named Creator. I also created a Taxonomy named Creator Categories. I have a Creator post named Beyond the Wall which I assigned a ...
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ACF pro auto populated field is not saving

I have auto-generated a text field value from another field in ACF pro. The field is showing the data but I can't use it anywhere. I assume it doesn't save or update. Here are my code function ...
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1 answer

Query 'orderby' when there are multiple values for the same meta_key

I'm trying to create a custom sortable admin column for a custom post type that contains a "repeater" field. The plugin I'm using for this field saves the values as separate entries in the ...
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0 answers

Inequality based on today's date and SCF date not working

I have the following custom query and I would like to exclude any posts whose SCF dates are in the past. I have checked that the custom date of the post is returned in the Ymd format and it is. I can ...
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0 answers

Is it possible to alter or replace the onChange function of an input within the InspectorControls panel?

I am writing a plugin and attempting to alter what attribute gets updated when changing the value of an input in the editor sidepanel. I am filtering a function through editor.BlockEdit using wp....
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0 answers

why is my plugin code not saving the meta field to the database

I'm trying to write a plugin that will pull pdfs from a set URL, but the meta field isn't saving. Here is my code: <?php /* Plugin Name: Custom PDF Upload Plugin URI: ...
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1 answer

Allow HTML in custom taxonomy description, and show it on front end

Sorry I'm quite new at coding, and also working with WordPress and ACF, and I'm trying my best but I can't figure this out: I'm trying to load my taxonomy description in rich text. Currently I'm using ...
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0 answers

My wordpress plugin defaults to English (US) I would like it to default to English (UK)

I have written a Wordpress plugin which has been accepted into the repository: I have noticed that the language it is listed as is English (US), ...
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1 answer

Filtering output by two custom fields using posts_where and add_rewrite_rule

I'm using two custom fields in wordpress to filter a persons database (custom taxonomy = persons) by gender and age. I would like the domain path name to look like that:
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0 answers

Ways to reduce code duplication when creating custom blocks

I'm a bit of a rookie, so I may be looking at this all backwards - but if that is the case having someone point me in the right direction would be incredibly valuable! I'm creating a few custom blocks ...
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0 answers

Display posts in correct month order using single date custom field

I have developed a WP Query that displays posts from a custom post type and taxonomy, and orders them by date using a custom field. The posts have a single Advanced Custom Fields date picker field ...
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0 answers

how to include an image in the build of a multi block plugin

My WP plugin should show some (default) images in the font-end and editor UI. However, the URL generated with my code, refers to the build folder, while the images are not. This is my structure: lucy-...
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0 answers

Displaying child pages and file URL in an ACF relationship field shortcode

Just to outline my scenario; I have some basic pages and a CPT called 'Resources'. The 'Resources' post type has an ACF file field called 'pdf_file' The pages have an ACF relationship field which ...
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0 answers

WordPress Block with Interactivity API e Preact Component

Good evening, everyone. I am developing some custom blocks with the new Interactivity API. Within some of the blocks I need to use some complex components that I decided to develop with Preact, so as ...

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