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Unanswered Questions

1,629 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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1 answer

How to change the publishing date of each posts?

I need to set the publishing date of many posts with the post date (the creation date). I know that I can do it editing the single post and changing the Published on value but this procedure is ...
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1 answer

Why plugin's icon for the menu not found?

Why plugin's icon is not showing in plugin menu ? All code of plugin : add_action( 'admin_menu', 'register_my_custom_menu_page' ); function register_my_custom_menu_page(){ add_menu_page( 'Site ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How To Add Class To Style Search Box

I am not very experienced with PHP but have managed to find a snippet to add a search bar to my main menu, using this code in my functions.php file: add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items','add_search_box', ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Customize Walker_nav_menu to show posts if item is category

I would like to customize the nav menu walker so that when it encounters a category it automatically makes the 5 most resent posts children of the menu item. Is there a way to dynamically add items ...
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1 answer

how to mage the submenu open on wordpress active page

i have the same problem in my website click here how i can change the code for when you click on corporate profile you go to the page and the sub menu stay open please some help
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1 answer

sidebar hierarchical menu category & custom post type

I'm working on a site with courses. I've created a custom post type "Course" and need to create a sidebar menu with the list of courses under the active category and then with anchor links to the ...
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1 answer

My website's wp-admin redirects to another website's wp-admin after pointing the site url to a subdirectiory

* DETAILS THAT LEAD UP TO MY PROBLEM * I'm familiar with WP's Giving WordPress its own Directory in codex. I am experimenting on my personal website, with redirecting to ...
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1 answer

Add News Feed to bespoke website, only to one page on whole site

I have built a bespoke website that is not currently managed by WordPress. For SEO purposes and to announce special offers etc, my client would like to add a News Feed to the site. To save me having ...
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1 answer

Wordpress blog fails to open

When I try to view/access my blog I get the following message.... Just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to the cause and the solution? Warning: require(/home/photogian/
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1 answer

Creating an accordion style menu

Is there any way to create a menu with dropdown list like the image below in WordPress ? click to enlarge ⤴ Here, when we click on [+] sign the dropdown menu shows up, I can manage the CSS, but what ...
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1 answer

Open WordPress Page from selected option dropdown

Code/process to get option dropdown menu selection to open page in WordPress with php? Tried all kinds of plug-ins, widgets, but none will make menu that fits requirements of project so far. ...
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1 answer

my theme automatically adds new pages to menu

I have a theme that has a problem. When I add new page in it, it automatically adds two menu item of that page. Here is my code from functions.php <?php if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') ) ...
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1 answer

Display sub menus as separate lists

I need to change the way of rendering menu in WordPress - I guess I should write my own walker class but I'm not sure how to bite it. What I'd like to achieve is to render each level of menu as ...
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1 answer

Navigation won’t update to show full path to single post

I have a site with a custom post type “projects” and two taxonomies “clients” and “mediums”. For the navigation I’m using a custom nav walker (that extends Walker_Nav_Menu). This all works very well ...
-1 votes
1 answer

highlight parent page on menu when child page is on sidebar (and not on menu)

i'm using twenty-eleven, i have on the menu 4 items : Home, About us, Contact, Clients it's a custom menu. The site currently is on localhost, so no preview is available. However i haven't put the ...

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