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Unanswered Questions

4,456 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
1 answer

Loading class files via autoload method

We have core classes created for theme and we are moving those classes to client-mu-plugins. Is there any way we can load all of the classes without adding require_once function for every single files?...
3 votes
0 answers

WordPress Ignoring .user.ini

I have a server using Apache and PHP-FPM. The server hosts several WordPress sites with each site running as a different user and using a different pool. I'm trying to configure the post_max_size and ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to intercept all ajax requests and get the parameters and the returns?

Is there any hook that always goes through it, where I can see all the requests, and also the returns after the "action" that is executed? I need to intercept all requests, including requests from ...
3 votes
1 answer

Wordpress can't find temporary folder, but folder it's looking at has correct permissions

So, I've spent a couple of hours looking around the internet to try to figure out this problem, since it seems like a dumb one that would probably be a duplicate, but apparently it isn't. I'm hosting ...
3 votes
0 answers

Add Product categories to Wordpress menu without losing hierarchy

I need to add product categories to Wordpress menu, but when I'm doing this with WP interface it lose the hierarchy I tried with WP-CLI, but there is no method to specify wich item is the child. ...
3 votes
0 answers

Get widget settings function?

I am using this to find if a new widget has been added or removed from my site: serialize(retrieve_widgets()); Works great for added or removed widgets. But it doesn't detect if a widget setting has ...
3 votes
1 answer

Replacing the NavWalker dropdown element

I'm creating a website for my school with Material Design for Bootstrap and the NavWalker is giving me some issues, I want to change the element of dropdown i.e. from ul to div. I've tried to edit the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Image upload via FTP to wordpress media library

Is there any permanant way to upload images via FTP to WordPress media library other than the available plugins which don't really work well most of the time? I would really appreciate if anyone ...
3 votes
0 answers

Setting Up PHPUnit tests for WP development on Windows

I've been following the instructions in this article to try to set up some testing. I got as far as this instruction bash bin/ wordpress_test root 'mypass' localhost latest before ...
3 votes
1 answer

Add Menu items description via Custom Walker for wp_nav_menu()?

Here is a solution I've found, and it works to append a description after the link. My question is: Is it also possible to append a description before the link? function add_description_to_menu($...
3 votes
1 answer

Adding a span when custom post type is updated

What I'm trying to do is have a span tag appear on the top of the post type whenever the post is updated. The way the page is setup, there is a query of different post types that list jobs currently ...
3 votes
1 answer

Foreach insert query the best way

Hi i've got this code which works fine but I think it uses a lot of server resources because execute a query to the database for each user id stored in a group, is there any way to solve this problem? ...
3 votes
0 answers

allow arabic letters when register new account

How can allow arabic letters when register new account ? i don't need to lose any security. If any of us, Arabs, want to register in any wordpress blogs we have to use English letters in “username” ...
3 votes
2 answers

Customizer Show/Hide Logo and Site Title

I've setup checkbox controls in my theme Customizer to show/hide the Logo and Site Title when they are checked/unchecked. By default, I want the Logo to display and the Site Title to be hidden. ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to resolve error “Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output.”?

I am facing an error as per below at admin panel login. "ERROR: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output." I've tried several solutions like, Log checking (No logs are showing in log file) ...

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