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Unanswered Questions

5,355 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Help Needed: Filter Elementor Loop Grid to Show Only Assigned Stores for Each User

I’m working on a portal for a client’s internal operations, and I’m facing an issue with filtering content for specific users. Here’s the breakdown: I’ve created a Custom Post Type (CPT) for stores ...
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Make URL of a post pretty using JetEngine

I am currently using JetEngine and I have created a Custom Post Type named Creator. I also created a Taxonomy named Creator Categories. I have a Creator post named Beyond the Wall which I assigned a ...
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How do I ensure that the URL parameters are updated correctly when multiple filters are applied

I am writing a product filter, and ran into this issue. I have 2 different attributes of my product filter: Tilt -- as a checkbox with "Yes" or "No", and Multibrand Compatible -- ...
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Filtered queries not responeding to page path

I am writing a product filter, and ran into this issue. I have 2 different attributes of my product filter: Tilt -- as a checkbox with "Yes" or "No", and Multibrand Compatible -- ...
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0 answers

add_image_size() parameter four ($crop = true) is ignored: the_post_thumbnail() returns scaled image(s) instead of hard cropped

Good Day! I am trying to achieve hard cropping of thumbnails in a custom WordPress theme. In functions.php I have added add_image_size('blog-large', 860, 484, true);. Thus, the fourth parameter ($crop=...
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0 answers

Change Query Var from s to q

Hi I have kind of an unusual task that I'm not sure exactly how to approach. I would like to change the query string shown in the url bar to use “?q=” instead of “?s=” I am using Elementor as well as ...
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0 answers

button for resetting all the custom meta fields

I’d like to have a button to reset all the custom fields for the prices, the button should operate from the author (agency) edit page because I’d like to clean the prices of all the apartments (posts) ...
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0 answers

Post Navigation Elementor

I'm using Elementor and ACF on a website and have a custom post type for events. In elementor I have the posts on the archive page set to order by the ACF start date field. When the user clicks the ...
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PHP Status Indicators

I am not a developer at all but I have figured quite a bit out myself. I have a website that shows my Employees/Users as online, offline or busy. I have made PHP Status indicators for each person with ...
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0 answers

Add a React search box to blog home error - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'jsx')

I have followed a couple of tutorials online in the pursuit of adding a react component to my WP page. I have gone over and over it for errors and I cant see what I must be missing, as the console ...
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0 answers

Display all products outside of filtered function

I have a products page which displays products based on filters. I believe I have found the code in which all of the products are queried. Normally, if a customer selects an attribute such as '...
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1 answer

Filtering with Attributes - how to display all non-queried products below query

I addded attributes to filter out products, based on their selection. For instance, I have field named 'tiled' as yes or no. If person ticks 'yes', all the products with the attribute of 'yes' are ...
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0 answers

How to Modify Gallery Preview on Edit Screen on the "Visual" Tab in Classic Editior

I am modifying the gallery_shortcode() function from media.php using a plugin. How do I make my custom gallery structure show up as the preview on the edit page. I want to change how it displays in ...
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1 answer

Can you open a media frame to sellect an attachment to associate with another attachment you are editing on an existing media frame?

I want to have a media frame that pops up on click of a button on an existing media frame. This way I can associate another attachment with that attachment. This question shows an example of you can ...
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0 answers

Trying to change the default page break numbering format

You provided an answer on the below post, I wanted to ask if this should work on Wordpress posts or pages, Im trying to do something similar for posts but I added your code to functions.php and it ...

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