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Unanswered Questions

1,279 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do I ensure that the URL parameters are updated correctly when multiple filters are applied

I am writing a product filter, and ran into this issue. I have 2 different attributes of my product filter: Tilt -- as a checkbox with "Yes" or "No", and Multibrand Compatible -- ...
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0 answers

button for resetting all the custom meta fields

I’d like to have a button to reset all the custom fields for the prices, the button should operate from the author (agency) edit page because I’d like to clean the prices of all the apartments (posts) ...
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0 answers

Post Navigation Elementor

I'm using Elementor and ACF on a website and have a custom post type for events. In elementor I have the posts on the archive page set to order by the ACF start date field. When the user clicks the ...
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0 answers

Add a React search box to blog home error - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'jsx')

I have followed a couple of tutorials online in the pursuit of adding a react component to my WP page. I have gone over and over it for errors and I cant see what I must be missing, as the console ...
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1 answer

Can you open a media frame to sellect an attachment to associate with another attachment you are editing on an existing media frame?

I want to have a media frame that pops up on click of a button on an existing media frame. This way I can associate another attachment with that attachment. This question shows an example of you can ...
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1 answer

How to get selected category objects in the block editor?

I am using the following functions to get the selected category objects. It seems to always return no matches even though there are several. What am I missing here? (function (wp) { const { ...
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Custom PHP contact form issue

I'm building a WP website with a custom contact form in PHP, HTML and Javascript. The issue is when the user click the submit button to send the form, it redirects to a 404 page. The PHP function: ...
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1 answer

How to overwrite a thrid party block's css in a child theme?

Consider a Wordpress (6.6) child theme based on the default Twenty Twenty Four theme: How do you style form fields used in third party blocks? Just copy and pasting a modified version of the third ...
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0 answers

Why does website not scroll to top of container when phone is rotated?

I'm using Elementor. I have a container that has a price list in it which looks terrible on mobile portrait. I used the responsive setting to hide that container on mobile portrait. Then I added a ...
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1 answer

Function to filter numbers from string

I'm looking to filter numbers from a string, and make them bigger in one case, and hide them in the other. The best way, as I understood, would be to use a custom function via functions.php and ...
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0 answers

How to display all submenu items as a breadcrumb

I'm trying to display all submenus of the active page as a breadcrumb navigation on a section of the page. How could I go about this? For example; Home Program P1 P2 P3 About When I navigate to the ...
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0 answers

How can i change the class of a post from a theme?

According to this link… …i can add a filter to change the class(es) of a post. How can I do this from a theme? I ...
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0 answers

How to Use Webpack with WordPress Script Modules and Enqueue a Custom Class

I am working on a WordPress project using version 6.5, which introduced support for JavaScript modules. I have a parent theme that exports a JavaScript class, and I want to import this class in a ...
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0 answers

Extend WordPress Gutenberg core/navigation-link

Hey folks So Im pretty new to this react + php in wordpress and I found one article where it showed how to extend a core block, which works fine for group and some basic block but When i tried to ...
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0 answers

Block style variations not enqueued for blocks inside HTML code dynamically rendered via JS

The new WP 6.6 will let anyone style any registered block style variations in theme.json via the styles.blocks.blockName.variations property. Check the following post for more info: https://developer....

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