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Unanswered Questions

1,470 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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3 answers

How to have 2 posting pages on a blog

It is possible to have 2 posting pages on a page? I have a static home page and I want to create 2 more pages for my blog which are "News" and "Recent Projects".
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1 answer

Limitless amount of posts in custom archive page

I want to get rid of pagination completely on my custom archive, I want everything on 1 page. How can I do this? Currently I'm getting my posts with: <?php query_posts($query_string . '&...
-1 votes
1 answer

Help needed renaming custom post

I really have very little Wordpress knowledge and I need help with the following: I have a theme which uses a custom post called 'services'. I needed another custom post created which worked exactly ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Exposing custom fields to the user in custom type post

I have a custom post type - say Hotel Booking - all the data are filled in by the admin and users can browse through different Hotel Rooms. Now, I would like the user to be able to tick additional ...
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2 answers

Permalinks problem with custom theme

I am pretty much learning by doing a custom theme from scratch (not a child theme), and have had much trouble with permalinks. In the permalinks settings page on the wp-admin, if I put any option ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How I can change PayPal IPN 'custom' field in woocommerce?

I use Woocommerce plugin. All works great, but I need add to PayPal IPN 'custom' field only 1 word instead "order_id" that writes at 'custom' field now. I trying edit this file: ...woocommerce/...
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1 answer

how to add a page

It's probably really simple, but i can't figured out, i have a php file and 3 folders css, js( with inside libs ), and image. so i put the php file and the css inside the theme root, the js in /js ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Multiple Domains Same Install Different Static Pages

I have my main domain with a static homepage of home but I also have a url that is great for SEO purposes and what I am trying to do is work out how I can have my point to ...
-1 votes
3 answers

How to hide post metadata from homepage and show only in post page?

could anyone please tell me how to hide post metadata from home page? I would like to have them displayed only in post page. This is my website and the theme was made with ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Static front page as parent of with child pages?

I am trying to produce a static front page that has child pages, so that the menu looks like the following: About (static front page, parent page of "CV" and "Address") -CV (child of "About") -...
-1 votes
1 answer

Extending Widgets - Exclude # of posts field from Recent Posts Widget

I am currently using this code to extend WP_Widget_Recent_Posts, but I would like to exclude the field that gives the user the ability to show how many posts they want. I have a set number in my ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Redirect Loops Problems

I don't know what happened actually. Yesterday, it was just working fine. I recalled what I did to put me in this difficult situation this morning. Yesterday, I was just editing posts with ...
-1 votes
2 answers

In reading settings posts are set to "blog" and I have page-blog.php but no posts

I'm trying to achieve this: I have a static frontpage (defined in index.php) and want a section /blog that uses what I define in page-blog.php but using the built-in methods for looping posts etc. ...
-1 votes
3 answers

Creating Nested custom fields

I am using this plugin to create custom fields and custom post-types. I am able to create repeater custom fields in the following format. 1 Dummy Name1 Location1 2 Dummy Name2 ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is Explicit Versioning a better alternative to Semantic Versioning for wordpress?

Semantic Version has 3 digits for versioning of the code (1.0.0.), is Explicit Versioning with 4 digits ( and not 100% API focus a better approach for Wordpress or Drupal developers? https://...

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