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Unanswered Questions

2,587 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
1 answer

Pb with responsive image sizes in WP 4.4

I don't understand how to customize responsive sizes images in WP 4.4.1. The only available hooks that I see are wp_calculate_image_srcset and wp_calculate_image_sizes, and neither has the named ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to add image uploader to a custom widget?

I'v built a custom widget that will show some sport scores. Scores are added trough custom post. When i open new custom post(scores) i enter their team names, score, scores. Now i want to add an ...
5 votes
1 answer

Cropping, Re-sizing and Saving images from one folder to another folder in wordpress

I'm adding an upgrade for the WordPress plugin which I have developed ages ago. This plugin is just a product catalog, so just show products and their images. Products can have more than one images. ...
4 votes
1 answer

@wordpress/create-block image url in css

how to include image URL to css "style.css" in custom block? Both these not work: background-image: url("images/imagename.png"); background-image: url("./images/imagename.png&...
4 votes
0 answers

Using Primary Color in Plugin Block

I'm developing a Gutenberg block, and I want the block to fit in as nicely as possible with the users site. So I'm trying to include as little styling of my own as possible, eg. allowing buttons to ...
4 votes
0 answers

Gutenberg Blocks - Attributes from comment delimiter or from HTML?

I wrote a custom block and am trying to better understand the interplay of the JavaScript and PHP on both front and back end regarding blocks. Say I have some block that I want rendered dynamically. ...
4 votes
0 answers

Make alt text required when setting a featured image

In the EU it will shortly be a requirement for public sector websites to have alt text for uploaded images. My organisation's users are rubbish at adding alt text, however, and I'm trying to find a ...
4 votes
1 answer

wordpress responsive image srcset not working

I'm trying use wordpress core responsive image feature but it's not adding srcset to image. Here is th my codes I have a div w=370px h=280px now I added image sizes if(function_exists('...
4 votes
1 answer

How does WordPress work out the srcsets?

WordPress gives some images srcset but not others how does it work this out, I cannot find anything documenting the topic. How does WordPress decide which images to give the srcset attributes to.
4 votes
4 answers

alt, title tags not showing

I have added alt tags, title and description on all the images on my website but none are showing when I check them in the inspect element tool in chrome or firefox. Here's a screenshot: And here's ...
4 votes
1 answer

Prevent Deletion of Blogs

I'm trying to prevent the deletion of blogs in a WordPress Multisite installation. There is already a plugin that does this, but it uses wp_die() as the solution, which in my scenario does not work. ...
4 votes
0 answers

Images dont show in grid view, but do in list view

In media library, images show in list view, but not in grid view. This becomes an issue because adding a featured image is done by grid view only. I had to edit the DB to make all jpg files lower ...
4 votes
1 answer

Add control in image detail panel

I am trying to add a checkbox control in the image details popup (when editing image in a post). I have added the following code in my template function.php but I can't manage to display the checkbox ...
4 votes
3 answers

Static raw HTML page

On the server there is a static HTML page example.html in my root folder of the WordPress install. Now when a user types I want WordPress to be smart and bypass all normal ...
4 votes
0 answers

Upload Image Not accessible

I'm getting a 500 error when trying to access the full version of any image. As soon as it's uploaded to the server, it becomes 'unavailable', and each file cannot be accessed/deleted/anything - like ...

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