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Unanswered Questions

1,470 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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removing custom tax & CPT slug, adding taxonomy term in front of custom type

I am having difficulties setting up the following structure in Wordpress: (taxonomy page but without the taxonomy slug)
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1 answer

Work flow for multiple developers

I'm looking to streamline the development work flow for a new project that will have multiple developers involved (backend and frontend). My biggest quandary is how best to make sure all devs have ...
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0 answers

Custom column sorting in WordPress admin post table

I have made a custom column in user administration panel showing user meta data and registered it as sortable. Made a query action to sort it by the meta numerical value (the stored user meta data is ...
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0 answers

Unique User Account Number + Displayed Via Shortcode

I've seen a couple articles on creating unique account numbers for users: ...
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0 answers

Add attribute / custom attribute to product in woocommerce

I have products from some API and want to insert these products. I was able to insert products and use already existing attributes ( or added by UI ). Adding new term (My Color) to the existing ...
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0 answers

add_rewrite_rule won't work

I did it in the past and it did work. But this time it won't work and I can't figure out why. The difference is the version of Wordpress and the version of WPML. So, I have the latest version of both:...
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0 answers

How to stop unlink images when remove a site or user

What's the best way to prevent images deleting?. I have a central cdn site to share images to several sites on wordpress multisite, and by mistake, I have remove a user from the network and all my ...
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0 answers

redirect product-category to a custom page

I hope you can help me. I've made one page for each woocommerce category I have in my store with a specific design. The problem is that when you click on the link of the product-category to which a ...
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0 answers

Wordpress Template not affecting the working, keeps defaulting to the index.php template

I thought this would be incredibly simple, but it has not. I have an index.php file that has my default template for my site. I then made a new file called magazine.php for a template file so that I ...
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0 answers

Custom Widget form function common elements

I am writing a set of custom widgets, all of which share a common 18 lines of code in the form() function, which looks like this: <div class="common-section"> <input type="hidden" class="...
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1 answer

Add custom taxonomy under the category title

I've added a custom taxonomy to my product category page in the admin. I can call the custom field using the following: $queried_object = get_queried_object(); $t_id = $queried_object->term_id; $...
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1 answer

Updating Widget options in custom install.php

I am using a custom install.php in /wp-content/ to over-ride some defaults when creating sites in a multi-site install. For the most part, this is easy and working really well. I am having difficulty ...
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0 answers

How To Add buttons to the toolbar which appears in TinyMce when you click over images

Using Wordpress 4.4 I need to add a custom button to manipulate images. The button should appear when the user clicks on an image, next to other buttons. An example of the other buttons:
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0 answers

How do I copy all "extra" data (menus, widgets, etc) from one theme to another?

I have two copies of a theme I'm developing up on my site (one was the existing file structure when I got started; the other is now set up to update automatically via git for a more sane development ...
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0 answers

Comments not nesed with custom template

I have a custom template for to show my comments. For some reason, there are not nested while looking in the back-end of Wordpress, I see that some comments have a parent. They are simply displayed ...

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