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Unanswered Questions

2,538 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Alerting woocommerce new order recipient dynamically

I have the below code which adds an email address stored in ACF fields to the new order email depending on if the user is checking out in GBP or EUR currency. This works fine, the problem I am running ...
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0 answers

Is AJAX relevant when inserting a new post programmatically?

What I'm already able to achieve : Inserting a new post with the WordPress function. Doing it programmatically when some conditions are fulfilled. The downside of this way of creating new post is ...
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0 answers

How do I ensure that the URL parameters are updated correctly when multiple filters are applied

I am writing a product filter, and ran into this issue. I have 2 different attributes of my product filter: Tilt -- as a checkbox with "Yes" or "No", and Multibrand Compatible -- ...
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0 answers

Filtered queries not responeding to page path

I am writing a product filter, and ran into this issue. I have 2 different attributes of my product filter: Tilt -- as a checkbox with "Yes" or "No", and Multibrand Compatible -- ...
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0 answers

add_image_size() parameter four ($crop = true) is ignored: the_post_thumbnail() returns scaled image(s) instead of hard cropped

Good Day! I am trying to achieve hard cropping of thumbnails in a custom WordPress theme. In functions.php I have added add_image_size('blog-large', 860, 484, true);. Thus, the fourth parameter ($crop=...
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0 answers

Post Navigation Elementor

I'm using Elementor and ACF on a website and have a custom post type for events. In elementor I have the posts on the archive page set to order by the ACF start date field. When the user clicks the ...
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1 answer

Filtering with Attributes - how to display all non-queried products below query

I addded attributes to filter out products, based on their selection. For instance, I have field named 'tiled' as yes or no. If person ticks 'yes', all the products with the attribute of 'yes' are ...
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0 answers

Trying to change the default page break numbering format

You provided an answer on the below post, I wanted to ask if this should work on Wordpress posts or pages, Im trying to do something similar for posts but I added your code to functions.php and it ...
0 votes
1 answer

WP_Query with multiple categories unexpected behavior

I'm working on a custom filter that uses checkboxes to choose which categories to show. I'm trying to get it show posts based on selecting more than one category. When I test with hard coded ID's it ...
3 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to automatically set the publication time to 8am on new posts?

This might be kind of funky to pull off, but does anyone have any ideas on how I could automatically set the time to 8am on any newly created post drafts? In both the Classic Editor and the Block ...
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1 answer

Function extension

I have the following code: function auto_link_post_titles( $content, $post_id, $field ) { $excluded_ids = array(); // Put the IDs of the pages you want to exclude here $excluded_field_names = ...
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0 answers

Enable logical for function

I have the following code: function auto_link_post_titles( $content, $post_id, $field ) { $excluded_ids = array(); // Put the IDs of the pages you want to exclude here $excluded_field_names = ...
0 votes
0 answers

Custom PHP contact form issue

I'm building a WP website with a custom contact form in PHP, HTML and Javascript. The issue is when the user click the submit button to send the form, it redirects to a 404 page. The PHP function: ...
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0 answers

WooCommerce Mini-Cart Problem

I'm doing some customisation to the mini-cart. When a user adds a product to the cart, inside the mini-cart I'm creating a slider containing the added product's cross-sales. So for example, user adds ...
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1 answer

/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Error 500 while using divi premade layout in existing pages

I am getting error as 500 while only using premade layout and existing pages option. Its working fine for staging, issue is only on production. How to check exact issue... Tried disabling plugins.....

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