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Themes create the public (front-end) interface for a WordPress site.

8 votes

How to remove "prev, next, shortlink" from wp_head()?

Add these to your list: <?php remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_shortlink_wp_head'); remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head'); wp-includes/default-filters.php should be your first sto …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
2 votes

Resources for a complete beginner to learn to work professionally with Wordpress

The codex is a good place to start. Looking at the actual code (or via PHP xref) is going to do more for you than reading documentation IMO. You should also sign up for, which contains a l …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
1 vote

How do I get my child-theme to work with my theme's includes folder?

Depending on how Canvas calls in those files, you might not be able to do this. If they're using locate template or something similar (get_template_part, for instance), you'll just need to create y …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
2 votes

How to reverse engineer the Twenty Eleven background image uploader?

for the custom background, you'd call add_custom_background, for the cool header image things, it's add_custom_image_header. You need to hook both those into something like after_setup_theme: <?php …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
0 votes

Get most recent posts by category that aren't first overall

Well, you're going to have a lot of loops and a lot of custom WP_Query objects. To start, create an $all_posts variable before you start the main loop on your home page. You should likely put all th …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
2 votes

different way to achive stylesheet_url

bloginfo('stylesheet_url') will always return the current theme's stylesheet. If current theme is a child theme, for example, it will return style.css relative to the child theme's root rather than th …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
5 votes

Warning/Error in Admin Panel while developing theme

So you have your code in a class, let's say it looks like this... <?php class WPSE82245 { public function action_init() { // do stuff } } Now you try to hook it into something.. …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Should Plugin Folders Include a Blank index.php File?

WordPress itself, in the wp-content folder, includes an empty PHP file which looks like this. <?php // Silence is golden. ?> Should plugins include an empty file like this as well to stop folks vie …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
83 votes
3 answers

Autoloading & Namespaces in WordPress Plugins & Themes: Can it Work?

Has anyone used autoloading and/or PHP namespaces within a plugin or theme? Thoughts on using them? Any harm? Pitfalls? Note: namespaces are PHP 5.3+ only. Assume, for this question, that you know y …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
100 votes

Autoloading & Namespaces in WordPress Plugins & Themes: Can it Work?

Okay, I've had two big projects where I've been in control of the server enough to namespace and rely on autoloading. First up. Autoloading is awesome. Not worrying about requires is a relatively go …
2 votes

Menus, but not by theme location

wp_nav_menu takes an optional argument called menu, which will fetch any menu by name, slug or ID. If you just want post objects (or anything but the menu HTML), wp_get_nav_menus is the way to go. …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
1 vote

What is the best way to handle multiple calls to get_template_directory_uri() and similar fu...

I almost always define my own constants for things involving URLs (pattern 3). The reasons: Enqueueing does not account for child theme files. Using get_style_sheet_directory_uri will obviously …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
1 vote

Wordpress Architecture as a CMS - Posts & Pages

There is an awesome plugin by @scribu called Posts 2 Posts. It allows you to manually associate different post types (or the same post type) with each other. I use it quite a bit for bigger CMS type …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
2 votes

Why does WP recommend against custom favicon functionality in themes?

Probably because a thing like a favicon is not necessarily tied to the on-page design, but to the branding of a site in general. In other words: it's not specifically part of the "display" of the sit …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
3 votes

do_shortcode() in twentyeleven theme

It looks like twenty ten displays the excerpt on category archives. If you're using manual excerpts, this is an easy fix. Just add this line of code to your theme's functions.php file. It tells wor …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar

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